The Job Interview Training can be conducted either online or on our premises in Düsseldorf. The choice is yours...
Contents + Goal:
Job Interview - Special Offer: 840.-€ (8 hours) + 19% VAT.
Job Interview - Coaching (regular fee): 120.-€ per hour (+ 19% VAT)
"Candidates entering the job market for the first time or seasoned 'corporate veterans' being recruited for higher managerial echelons possess the necessary social skills and have acquired enough business savvy to get through an interview in a professional and intelligent manner. Without a doubt both groups have had seminars or read books on the subject. In other words, they are proficient in presenting themselves. I feel very strongly, however, that the presentation aspect is only part of the interview puzzle.
The challenge resides in the questions that have been developed by experts and are very often disguised as harmless and innocent. Corporations harness the expertise of psychologists who have skillfully developed evaluation and assessment techniques designed to discover and uncover the candidate’s very psyche. Unquestionably the HR representative has placed great care in preparing for the interview based on the candidate’s resume (CV).
Through my experience I have come to believe that every interview is unique and each position has its unique challenges, especially now in times of economic uncertainty. Very likely there is a really good chance that more candidates are fighting for the same position. Thus, a unique challenge requires a unique approach:
A program which is uniquely tailored to the candidate’s specific needs and deals with specific issues based on the candidate and the position applied for.
It is a two-way street where trainer and candidate work equally hard, so when the time for the interview comes all the challenges will have been overcome and all the strengths emphasized.
I look forward to seeing you and preparing you for your next job."
Steven Vitolianos
For candidates who feel insecure about their English language skills a thorough revision of basic communication will be included. It will cover the most important aspects of the language.